Hit and Blow


Students play in pairs. Each student gets a matching set of vocabulary cards (i.e. dog, cat, chicken, lion, panda, koala and kangaroo), and each pair gets one set of 5 set of X cards.

Ss do RPS. The winner is the 1st Master. Master chooses 5 cards and an order, and places them face down on the desk in a line.

One by one, Master points to a card and asks the target dialogue, for example, “What’s this?”. The other student picks one of their own cards and places it next to the indicated card, saying, for example, “It’s a ____.”

After Master has asked all 5 cards, they will then indicate if the answers are correct.

If the card is one the Master has chosen and in the same position as the Master, the Master will turn that card over. If the card is one the Master chose, but in a different position, the Master will do nothing. If the card is not one the Master chose, they will put down an X card next to the other student’s card.

The other student can then change their card position or which cards they had selected from the initial set of cards to try and guess the correct cards and order. The student has 3 chances (including the first round) to guess the correct cards and their correct order.

After 3 chances, the other student gets 1 point for every upside-down card, and 2 points for every card face-up. No points for any cards with an X.

Then students switch roles.

Depending on students grade level and difficulty of vocabulary, adjust the number of cards in the original set, but, in general I’ve been using 7 cards in the initial set.


The demo is very important for the students to understand this game. When working on it, even ESG3 could understand quickly when they saw a good demo.

– The X cards, for ease of understanding, should be placed next to the cards chosen by the other student, not the master to indicate that the card chosen by the other student is incorrect.

– Can be used for only vocab, question or answer. 

– Definitely demo this game in your meeting with your TT beforehand. 

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Posted byChris on April 4, 2024

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